Product reviews
Write product reviews
Why not share your thoughts and opinions about your favourite products at British Corner Shop, and give them a rating.
It is easy to enter a product review. A form like this appears on every product page, toward the bottom of the page. Rate the item out of five stars, and write a product review in the space provided.
You must log in to be able to submit product reviews. It is quick and easy to register with British Corner Shop, just fill out a short registration form.
Earn money for writing reviews
To say thank you for writing interesting reviews about the British food products we sell, we will automatically credit your account with 30 pence worth of reward points for each product review of 50 words or more that you write.
To earn 15 reward points (worth 30p) your product review must be:
- 50 words or more in total length.
- Approved by our editor or moderator.
You can track your earnings and all the statistics about your product reviews within your 'My Account' area on British Corner Shop.
Tips for writing a good product review
Rate the item with an overall score out of five.
Five stars is excellent, four stars good, three stars average, two stars poor and one star is very poor!
Short reviews such as 'I love it!' are not very informative, so it is better to include details about which aspects of the product are good or bad, why you like or dislike it, or how you have used it etc.
Feel free to write more than one paragraph, but don't write pages upon pages. We limit reviews at around 500 words maximum. Around 200 words makes for a really comprehensive review. If you have more to say though, we won't stop you.
Enjoy writing your feedback and, and thank you for sharing your comments with British Corner Shop customers.
Approval of reviews
After you submit a review it is queued for approval. We moderate all reviews, and will not accept any bad language, inappropriate comments, spam, or poor quality reviews. Please write with good grammar, do not use all capitals, or include any HTML. We reserve the right to reject any review.
Reviews are approved quickly and will appear quickly on British Corner Shop once approved. You can view your product review statistics in your 'My Account' area.